cyberCrime Fighters

We aim to encourage students to follow cyber safety practices through certificates that acknowledge their good internet safety habits, making them a CyberCrime Fighter!

CyberCrime Fighters girl in mask

1. What is CyberCrime Fighters about?

CyberCrime Fighters is an initiative which provides a way for teachers and parents to recognize students as good citizens of the internet. We aim to encourage students to follow cybersafety best practices through certificates that acknowledge their good internet safety habits, making them a CyberCrime Fighter! Fill in the form below to nominate someone today!

2. How does the nomination process work?

Fill out the nomination form and you will receive a certificate with the nominee’s name on it, acknowledging their efforts to help keep the internet a safe space.

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3. Who is this initiative for?

The CyberCrime Fighter initiative is for teachers, parents, and students who want to help reduce cybercrimes on the internet and teach important internet safety best practices! Nominators can present the completed certificate to the nominee, recognizing their efforts to make the internet a safe place for everyone.

nominate a CyberCrime Fighter

Your name(Required)
Your email(Required)
* If you are under the age of 13 please use a parent’s email address.
Nominee's name (to appear on the certificate)(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
CyberCrime Fighters kids superheroes

Download the CyberCrime Fighter calendar for awesome tips to stay safe on the internet!

CyberCrime Fighter Calendar 2023 2024